
Timeline for Postcards with Mailwalks

One question that comes up frequently with Mailwalks is... how long until my postcard is in mailboxes?

The short answer is you will need at least 6-8 business days to fully complete the process (best case scenario).

Why so long?  I'll break down the process below, I think you'll be surprised at how many steps it actually takes!

Step 1: Create the Template & Design - If this is your first postcard order, we'll first need to create the template. This step alone can take 2-3 business days. See THIS ARTICLE for more info. But, if you already having an existing template with us, we can create your first proof as soon as we have the photos and MLS information.  

Step 2: Revisions - Once we've sent out the first poof, we wait for you to review the proof and markup the file with any change requests.  Same as feature sheets, 2 complimentary revision rounds are included. Our ability to make timely revisions largely depends on when our clients have the time to review the file and get back to us.  If we send a proof at 10am and they respond at 11am, we can get the changes done quickly, if they wait until 4:30pm when we're signing off for the day, revisions might not get done until the next business day.

Step 3: Approval with Mailwalk Documents - CLICK HERE TO VIEW the Mailwalk order process. Once you've replied with your approval & Mailwalk documents, we can send it into Staples/ Canada Post for printing & delivery. The Mailwalk documents we need are the two PDF files that are sent after checkout: 'Container Labels' and 'Statement of Mailing'.

Step 4: Sending to Staples -Once we have the above mentioned files, we'll send your order into Staples for printing.  If you approve by 2pm Monday through Friday we'll have time to send to the printer before the printing deadline. Files submitted after the print cut-off are printed the following evening.

Step 5: Postcard is printed, bundled, boxed, labelled - All of our orders submitted by the print deadline are printed at the Staples HUB each evening, bundled into 100 pieces, boxed with 10 bundles, labelled and then ready to be picked up in the morning via courier.

Step 6: Courier pick-up at Printer - The courier will come the next business day to pick-up the postcards.

Step 7: Courier drop-off at Canada Post-  The courier will either drop off the postcards the same day as they picked-up or the following day depending on their route and schedule.

Step 8: Postcards arrive at Canada Post - Canada Post will accept the package and documentation and it will be sorted there. Sorting can take 1-2 business days.

Step 9: Postcards are given to the mail carrier - Mail carrier will deliver the postcards along their route, each mail walk route takes about 3 business days to be completed.


So, it can definitely take quite awhile for your Mailwalk to actually end up in mailboxes. Because of this, we suggest placing your postcard Mailwalk order well in advance of your expected timeline.


Additionally, sometimes Canada Post runs into issues when delivering which results in potential missing deliveries. Please SEE THIS ARTICLE to troubleshoot a missing Canada Post Mailwalk delivery. 



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