
Multiple MLS Numbers

You have a property with more then one MLS number.  Either it is a development project where a show home is being used to represent multiple listings or the property has both a commercial and real estate MLS number.  

We have a couple of options:

Single Virtual Tour Page for Multiple MLS#'s - Relink Option

You want to to use a single virtual tour for all of the listings.

For each MLS listing number you want us to send the single virtual tour link into the board there is a $20 Relink fee. The virtual tour will be linked to the first MLS number, but set in such a way that the sale of this property will not deactivate the tour. Further, this type of relinking will only include only one set of stats and a single Craigslist, Kijiji, and YouTube (CKYT) load, not multiple postings for each listing. Because Craigslist, Kijiji, and YouTube do not allow multiple postings of the same information all pointing to the same virtual tour URL).

Multiple Virtual Tour Pages for Multiple MLS#'s - Reload Option for Multiple Stats

You would like one virtual tour but separate stats for multiple MLS numbers. We can load new virtual tour pages with different MLS numbers but the same images.  There is a $30 Reload fee for each new virtual tour page and the link and photos are sent to the board for each MLS number. Each would also include a CKYT for each virtual tour page.

Split Virtual Tour Option

If you need one VT package with photos for 2 identical/similar listings (ie two condos in the same building, each getting 1/2 of the package photos), then you can choose one of the above options. If you want two separate Virtual tour pages then you would pay the $30 'Reload' fee for the second virtual tour page, and would receive all the included benefits including stats and CKYT posting.
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